April Coffee Profile

Patrick Rachford
1 min readApr 24, 2020



194 degrees Fahrenheit

1st pour: 30 grams

2nd pour/30 second mark: 170 grams

Start by heating your kettle to 194 degrees Fahrenheit and pre wetting your filter. I like to use the Kalita Wave 155.

Weigh out 14 grams of coffee and place into your grinder. Your grinder should be set to a medium coarse setting.

Once the kettle has gotten up to temperature, place ground coffee into the coffee filter.

Start your timer and begin pouring.

Your first pour, called the bloom, should last around 10 seconds or 30 grams worth of water. Your pours should be small, consistent circles, making sure to wet all of the grounds.

After 30 seconds continue to pour. Pour until you reach 200 grams in total. You should finish pour at the 60 second mark.

Wait until the water has finished draining before removing your grounds.

Let the coffee cool a bit before tasting.



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